Meet ParkStar Laura Greenleaf!

Laura Greenleaf is a Certified Virginia Master Naturalist and the co-founder of our Invasive Plant Task Force. Thanks to her work (and the work of our many volunteers!) we can uproot nuisance plants and allow our native plants to thrive!

Meet our new ParkStar, Mary Kay Martin

Meet ParkStar Mary Kay Martin

Meet this month’s ParkStar, Mary Kay Martin, the President of Friends of James River Park. A kayaker and native of Richmond, Mary Kay has RVA in her DNA.

No Introduction Needed: ParkStar Katherine Mitchell

ParkStar Katherine Mitchell

While not leaving the Friends of the James River Park, Katherine Mitchell’s term as our Board President has expired. She has been a constant presence as we created our Master Plan, which will guide our future.

Meet James River ParkStar Greg Velzy

In addition to being a Board Member for the Friends of James River Park, Greg Velzy the Founder of the James River Outdoor Coalition, Chair of the Falls of the James River, and more. Why is he so busy? Because his 50 years in Richmond have made him fall in love with our Park.

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